Jiangsu aosikang new energy Co., Ltd

Heat pump common sense: air source heat pump water heater maintenance process
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Heat pump common sense: air source heat pump water heater maintenance process

VIEWS: 1374 RELEASE DATE: 2021-06-11
Air source heat pump can realize refrigeration, floor heating, provide domestic hot water, and realize multiple functions of one machine. Compared with traditional air conditioning and floor heating systems, it has the following remarkable features and advantages: clean and environmentally friendly; one machine with multiple uses; low noise; Stable performance, long operating life; all built-in options, easy installation, more beautiful, more stable operation; super domestic hot water function. Although the air source heat pump has many advantages, its maintenance cannot be ignored.

Air source heat pump can realize refrigeration, floor heating, provide domestic hot water, and realize multiple functions of one machine. Compared with traditional air conditioning and floor heating systems, it has the following remarkable features and advantages: clean and environmentally friendly; one machine with multiple uses; low noise; Stable performance, long operating life; all built-in options, easy installation, more beautiful, more stable operation; super domestic hot water function. Although the air source heat pump has many advantages, its maintenance cannot be ignored.

If you can't do it by yourself during cleaning, you should let a professional disassemble it, especially the power should be cut off before disassembly.

Conventional maintenance methods for air energy heat pump water heaters:

The water filter installed outside the machine should be cleaned regularly to ensure that the water in the system is clean to avoid damage to the unit due to the dirty water filter.

The user should pay attention to the use and maintenance of the unit: all the safety protection devices in the unit are set before leaving the factory, do not adjust by yourself.

Frequently check whether the power supply of the unit and the wiring of the electrical system are firm, whether the electrical components have abnormal actions, and if any, repair and replace them in time.

Frequently check whether the water supply system of the water system, the safety valve of the water tank, the liquid level controller and the exhaust device are working properly, so as to avoid air entering the system and reducing the water circulation, thereby affecting the heating capacity of the unit and the reliability of the unit operation.

Check the water pump, whether the water valve is working properly, and whether the water pipe and water pipe joints are leaking.

The surrounding of the unit should be kept clean and dry, well ventilated, and the air-side heat exchanger should be cleaned regularly (1-2 months) to maintain a good heat exchange effect.

Frequently check the working conditions of the various components of the unit, check whether there is oil contamination at the pipe joints and the inflation valve in the unit, and ensure that there is no leakage of the unit refrigerant.

Do not pile up debris around the unit to avoid blocking the air inlet and outlet. The unit should be clean, dry and well ventilated.

If the shutdown time is long, the water in the pipeline of the unit should be drained, the power supply should be cut off, and the protective cover should be put on. When running again, perform a comprehensive inspection of the system before starting up.

When the unit fails and the user cannot solve it, please call our company's local special maintenance department so that we can send someone to repair it in time.

To clean the condenser of the main unit, it is recommended to use a hot phosphoric acid solution of 50℃-60℃ and a concentration of 15% to clean the condenser, start the main unit's own circulating water pump for 3 hours, and finally rinse it with tap water 3 times. (It is recommended to reserve a three-way interface when installing the pipeline, and seal one interface with a wire plug) in case of taking over during cleaning. It is forbidden to clean the condenser with corrosive cleaning fluid.